Zoom a Microbe

Project Description
The best advice I ever received for learning biogeochemistry is that everything makes a lot more sense if you think about it from the point of view of a microbe. But let’s face it, microbes can be hard to relate to. They are foundational to the structure and function of every ecosystem on Earth. But they’re also small, they don’t talk much, and we rarely see them in their own environments. Until now! The Zoom a Microbe series dives below the surface of ecosystems and interview microbes about what they do and why. These videos are designed to be short, entertaining, and hopefully spark a desire to learn more about our fascinating microscopic neighbors.
Meet One of the Microbes!
Meet the microbe who started it all, Didi the Denitrifying Bacterium.
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If you enjoyed meeting Didi, check out my YouTube Channel. Like and subscribe to stay up to date on the latest microbe interviews.
Dr. Nitrogen Numbers